Our main aim is to explore the human microbiome and its interactions with environmental microbiomes

We are particularly interested in the human archaeome, the neglected but important archaeal component of our microbiome.


[ aar-kee-uh ] • noun

the neglected microbes of the human body; you’re never too old to learn about them. 
© moissleichingerlab.com


[ aar-kee-uh ] • noun

the underdogs of human microbes; hate it or love it, the underdogs always come out on top.
© moissleichingerlab.com


[ aar-kee-uh ] • noun

a type of microbe, that is too special to join the bacterial club.
Archaea ≠ Bacteria,  Archaea  > >  Bacteria 

© moissleichingerlab.com

12.07.2024: Interview about current status on "The Archaeome: An Emerging Player in Health and Disease" 

Summarized here!  

05.07.2024: PhD Career Symposium 

"What can I be with a PhD?" went into its 4th round at Medical University of Graz. Once again, we had the opportunity to listen to inspiring individuals who started their journeys with a PhD, each developing unique career paths.
Congratulations to the  the organizational committee, part of which was also our PhD candidate Viktoria Weinberger!

01.07.2024: Team event - visit of the local Zotter Chocolate Factory!

We laughed and strongly raised glucose in our blood while learning about the production process of chocolate! Thanks to the Leadership Award @MedUniGraz for enabling this event! 

IHMC Rome 2024

Another successful inernational conference this year is behind us. Congratulations to all speakers for their insightful presentations!