News Archive
15.01.2024: "Sind wir gefährlich für außerirdisches Leben?"
Summarized here!
12.07.2024: Interview about current status on "The Archaeome: An Emerging Player in Health and Disease"
Summarized here!
05.07.2024: PhD Career Symposium
"What can I be with a PhD?" went into its 4th round at Medical University of Graz. Once again, we had the opportunity to listen to inspiring individuals who started their journeys with a PhD, each developing unique career paths.
Congratulations to the the organizational committee, part of which was also our PhD candidate Viktoria Weinberger!
01.07.2024: Team event - visit of the local Zotter Chocolate Factory!
We laughed and strongly raised glucose in our blood while learning about the production process of chocolate! Thanks to the Leadership Award @MedUniGraz for enabling this event as well!
IHMC Rome 2024
Another successful inernational conference this year is behind us. Congratulations to all speakers for their insightful presentations!
02.2024: THE logo
After a long discussion and creative process: here it is, our new group logo!
14.-16.02.2024: Group Retreat
Relaxing and rewarding: the yearly group retreat took place in Pöllau bei Hartberg. Where wellness meets science!
19.01.2024: Successfully organized TES 2024
Wrapping up two incredible days at the TES Symposium, which was mainly organized by our group this year – a big shoutout to the organizers and supporters for fostering enriching discussions and bringing together brilliant minds!
Viktoria Weinberger (PhD candidate in our lab) was awarded for the best talk! A round of applause for her great work on Archaea!
13.12.2023: Presentation skills workshop
MMMMnjooooohm! We learned how to entertain the audience with our presentations, optimized breathing and voice - and reduced content and speed of our presentations. Great preparation for the next conferences in 2024!
22.06.2023: Teambuilding Cooking Event
We laughed, we cooked, we ate! Thanks to the Leadership Award @MedUniGraz we had a wonderful evening with the GaumenGut team!
19.05.2023: "Ferndiagnose des Sonnensystems"
In ORF Mayrs Magazin - Wissen für alle our space-heroes Christina and Alex present their work on planetary protection for the ESA JUICE mission. Watch it here (link)
08.05.2023: Austrian hygiene award for Charlotte
Charlotte receives the Austrian hygiene award (by ÖGHMP) for her outstanding work in preterm infants, published in Nature Communications (link)
23.03.2023: How clean is clean?
Christina and Alex returned from their sampling trip to French Guyana/ Kourou, where they sampled the clean room around the JUICE mission, to be launched in a few weeks.
13.03.2023: We are excellent
We are excellent! Christine is Co-Director of the selected FWF Cluster of Excellence "Microbiomes drive Planetary Health". 21 Mio € for microbiome research in Austria will boost fundamental science and collaboration with 29 other PIs. New job openings will be announced soon!
Press release MedUni Graz
Press release Uni Wien
07.02.2023: Team and leadership award
Christine won the Leadership Award of the Medical University of Graz 2022! (thanks to an amazing support by the team). We are looking forward to an "team event" sponsored by MedUni!